Lubitel Fun

after my first try with a mask on my diana and the satisfying results i now masked my lubitel.. tried to shoot redscale at iso 25. the sun was not very strong so they turned out more red than i expected, but i like them. think the color fits the mask ..scared i´m becoming addicted to masks..

10 ความคิดเห็น

  1. mafiosa
    mafiosa ·


  2. sandkorn
    sandkorn ·


  3. lazybuddha
    lazybuddha ·

    Yeah beautiful.

  4. fizzynothing
    fizzynothing ·

    Stunning album!

  5. nuhdos
    nuhdos ·

    Really beautiful.

  6. cpolpa
    cpolpa ·


  7. nacarilegea
    nacarilegea ·


  8. catarella
    catarella ·

    love this one!

  9. shea_w
    shea_w ·

    Again, the wordings sets the perfect mood!

  10. dida
    dida ·


More photos by jennson