11 ความคิดเห็น

  1. realrampage
    realrampage ·

    i dont like ....

  2. realrampage
    realrampage ·

    ... I LOOOOOOVE , this shot is AWESOME , great @1122 and yulia ;)

  3. clickiemcpete
    clickiemcpete ·

    Really beautiful shot!

  4. hill-cd
    hill-cd ·

    Did you scan the negative or is this a print? The reason I ask is I put a roll of 35 thru a TRL but I can't find anyone that will print with sprockets.
    Question aside this shot is awesomely amazing.. absolutely beautiful.

  5. why-yu
    why-yu ·

    @hill-cd thanks! it`s skan the negative

  6. 1122
    1122 ·

    АА! только моё тут!

  7. vici
    vici ·

    and @1122 oh my! so golden!

  8. 1122
    1122 ·

    @vici I did extract three seconds! overexposure and too, it's not very good for doubles, why-yu one must also leave a mark on the picture

  9. 1122
    1122 ·

    @realrampage My name is Natalie)))

  10. realrampage
    realrampage ·

    @1122 ... I LOOOOOOOVE , this shot is удивительный , great Natalie and @why-yu ;)

  11. adash
    adash ·

    @1122 @why-yu Mind-blowing set again!

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