morris dancing

Snapped the daffodils first then flicked the MX button on my LC-A+ and added the grill from this classic Morris Minor over the top.

11 ความคิดเห็น

  1. paulmgarger
    paulmgarger ·


  2. rolfmg
    rolfmg ·

    Great double!

  3. lomomowlem
    lomomowlem ·

    @paulmgarger @rolfmg Thanks very much!

  4. rolfmg
    rolfmg ·

    @lomomowlem This shot has quite a lot of personal meaning to me...first: the Morris Minor is one of my favorite classic cars and when I was a young student I drove a car called "Daf(f)odil" - it was a dutch DAF33 ....(-;

  5. lomomowlem
    lomomowlem ·

    @rolfmg Amazing how serendipity and coincidence all come together like this! Not only to help me make this double but also fit so well into your story. Thanks so much for sharing that.

  6. lomomowlem
    lomomowlem ·

    @klawe Thanks!

  7. troch
    troch ·


  8. lomomowlem
    lomomowlem ·

    @troch Thank you!

  9. dclick
    dclick ·

    nice shot ;-)

  10. marluusje
    marluusje ·

    Great shot as always

  11. lomomowlem
    lomomowlem ·

    @dclick @marluusje Thanks very much!

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