One day my grandpa who was a photographer in the 70's, 80's and 90's gave me his Lomo Smena 8m. At first I didn't pay attention to it but one day I thought : i'll give it a try. And from that day on i couldn't let it go. I could've be seen with that cute little piece of russian innovation in my hands everywhere i went. ...and that's how I got into the welcoming and amazing world of Lomography !
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Album: more smena action
แชร์โดย angrypickle เมื่อ 2013-07-06 · 12 ภาพ -
Album: first roll with the Smena 8M
แชร์โดย angrypickle เมื่อ 2013-06-26 · 20 ภาพ -
Album: skate and stuff...
แชร์โดย angrypickle เมื่อ 2012-11-14 · 2 ภาพ