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The Portable Icon with Madonna and Child
Imaging II : Semiotics
Supposedly, the images of Christ and the saints are authentic portraits of the persons portrayed. Through the process of laboriously copied from one icon to another. This imposes a fault because in the process of copying, from icon to icon, the artist tends to incorporate their personal style into the piece. Therefore each icon became watered down as a new one is produced.
Activity: IN PROCESS: Participants will pose as Madonna - personal participation to
accurately pose as they did in Hodegetrias, The end product is that they all have different subtleties that signify their own style.
END PRODUCT: is a portable icon that participants will have. Similar to the Byzantines who also had portable icons, it helped them in connecting to the holy essence. Overall, each image will act as a sacred painting where the artist wanders from the archetype of its original.