5 ความคิดเห็น

  1. 134340
    134340 ·

    Love the color!

  2. neanderthalis
    neanderthalis ·

    The colored clothespins remind me of notes on sheet music scales.

  3. bloomchen
    bloomchen ·

    @134340 @neanderthalis: thanks a lot! i´m satisfied with it even though i wanted to take a completely different picture in the beginning. i was strolling with the baby and went into a backyard where the doors were never open when i passed there. and there was the laundry behind a fence in the next backyard and a woman sitting there smoking and all you could see was laundry, her had and the smoke. she was talking to a young guy who left. the moment i wanted to ask her if i could take a photo she stood up and went into the house. i was a bit disappointed but well.

  4. 134340
    134340 ·

    all whole album is just simply beautiful! it has feeling. I think you did great. maybe next time you pass there again, you might got the better shots! ;)

  5. grazie
    grazie ·


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