Diana Mini + Kodak Gold expired

first layer with yellow filter, second layer wihout filter

8 ความคิดเห็น

  1. sobetion
    sobetion ·

    how did you do that? full frame switch between half frame?

  2. emkei
    emkei ·

    @sobetion no, this is 2x square format, not perfectly matched :D

  3. sobetion
    sobetion ·

    no, i think it perfect my friend :)

  4. emkei
    emkei ·

    @sobetion thank you! <3

  5. kibs
    kibs ·

    love the result!

  6. mafiosa
    mafiosa ·

    Wow!! Beautiful <3

  7. vladimir_scherbinin
    vladimir_scherbinin ·

    очень интересно получилось!!!

  8. boredslacker
    boredslacker ·

    It's a fantastic blend of colors, wonderful!

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