Random digital shots through Kolari IR Chrome Filter...

A 1st experiment with false color infrared Kolari IR Chrome filter. This required that I (CAREFULLY!!) remove hot filter in front of sensor in DSLR, shoot a few random photos, then replace it. This bit is fragile and nerve wracking. Photos seen successful. The result resembles Aerochrome with yellow filter. The day was very cloudy. Next time will be film SLR.

"False Color" "IR" "Kolari IR Chrome Filter" digital infrared random
Sigma SD1 Merrill
None, ISO 200 on SD card
Sigma 30mm f/1.4 Art
United States
Kolari IR Chrome Filter Experiment #1 Digital SLR

7 ความคิดเห็น

  1. lomodesbro
    lomodesbro ·

    very psychedelic Herbert

  2. teeh
    teeh ·

    These came out amazing. I'm still new, any advice?

  3. teeh
    teeh ·

    These came out amazing. I'm still new, any advice?

  4. herbert-4
    herbert-4 ·

    @teeh Thanks! These are not analogue. These are shot with a DSLR that I removed the hot filter from, and used one of these filters: kolarivision.com/product/kolari-vision-ir-chrome-lens-filte… , then replaced hot filter afterwards. Have to be careful, hot filter is very thin and fragile! Next step is to try a few photos on film. Might not work, spectral coverage of the film might be too different. Going to try.

  5. silvergirl
    silvergirl ·


  6. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·

    Dream GOD film to try since 2008 but regret of a lifetime didn't buy it at that time when the price was more cheaper than nowaday fresh slide film 😥😢

  7. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·

    Bahaha sorry I didn't read1 the caption it's digital camera 🙏

More photos by herbert-4