
Caffenol experiment #1. What is in the beaker is 650cc of water, 25g sodium carbonate, and 45g of instant coffee. What is in the little sample cup with the blue lid is 20g of vitamin C diluted in 100cc of water. What is in the sink is what happens when you do not heed the advice of “add vitamin C solution slowly.” Some basic chemistry (pun intended) at work. Time to get some more instant coffee.

caffenol chemistry experimental failure_is_always_an_option oops
IPhone 12 Pro Max
Fleming Island, FL

7 ความคิดเห็น

  1. msiegel
    msiegel ·

    Looks a bit like Mentos in Coke ;-) Hope your experiments turn out!

  2. northernsceneinsouthernlight
    northernsceneinsouthernlight ·

    @MSIEGEL — It was a surprisingly rapid end to my fun. Looking forward to giving it another try. Will be much more deliberate in my mixing this time around. Thanks for the comment!

  3. polock
    polock ·

    I mixed mine in water seperately and then added them together, did not have an issue- good luck! I don't feel like caffenol was worth it to me, but I got it down at least so I could say I did it. Even experimented with tea and lye water/ salt fix.

  4. northernsceneinsouthernlight
    northernsceneinsouthernlight ·

    @POLOCK — got the mix down today…at least without the super foam….but no image on the negative. Now I am determined to make it work. Wish me more luck, please.

  5. polock
    polock ·

    Absolutely! Hope all goes well. Perhaps you mixed out of order? I found my best results with exposing an extra stop or two because negatives will definitely be thin, a pinch of sodium sulphite helps harden silver if you are looking for better results but to me defeats the while point of caffenol fun. Semi stand works best, 20, 30, or 40 minutes depending on dilution and film stock- gives it enough time to develop because caffenol is less than an ideal develiper.

  6. nykonartist
    nykonartist ·

    I did caffenol a few times just to say I did it but wasn't overly impressed with the results so now I just use Rodinal. I didn't have any issues with the mixing but development times are a bit loose.

  7. northernsceneinsouthernlight
    northernsceneinsouthernlight ·

    @NYKONARTIST — it is a quest at this point… kind of like you…just to say I did. Just need to burn a few rolls I am willing to lose before I try again. Thank you for the comment. Happy shooting!

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